Thursday, 31 July 2008

New Squidoo Lens: Harry Potter Online

The Harry Potter bandwagon has started rolling again, so I have decided to increase my virtual real estate by creating Harry Potter Online. The movie "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince" is currently in post production and will be released a few weeks before Christmas.

Interest is bound to increase around the time of the film's release and, with a bit of luck, Harry Potter Online will be nicely placed to get some decent traffic by that time.

Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince

Due to the interest generated by the movie trailer release of Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince, I decided to give my lens Harry Potter Magic Wands a bit of a make over. I have added the video trailer and a brief review of the book, with a link to Amazon for further information and book purchase.

The film is due to be released around the beginning of December, so if you would like to know more about it, have a look at Harry Potter Magic Wands.

Sunday, 27 July 2008

Niche Testing Update 1: Orchid Care

I have submitted Caring For Orchids to StumbleUpon and a couple of other sites now. I will continue to Social Bookmark, but in a very gradual way. I believe that submission to many bookmarking sites at the same time is likely to do more harm than good, so maybe 3 or 4 bookmarks every couple of days will suffice. My StumbleUpon blog has been submitted to a number of RSS Feed directories, further backlinks should be automatically created by this tactic.

Caring For Orchids is definitely indexed by Google, but does not appear within the first few pages of search results and has not received any traffic yet. Interestingly, my previous post, Testing A New Niche: Orchid Care, has also been indexed, which is an unexpected bonus.

I have a number of other blogs in the Gardening Market Sector, so I will now link them all to Caring For Orchids to see if this will improve search engine rankings.

Thursday, 24 July 2008

Testing A New Niche: Orchid Care

I have decided to try out a different niche marketing technique that I have been considering for a little while. I undertook some keyword research in the home gardening market and came up with a few keyword phrases that looked interesting, especially when I discovered that there are at least three Clickbank products relating to this niche. My normal procedure to follow this research would be to create content pages on sites such as Squidoo, Hubpages and Blogger, with affiliate links strategically placed throughout the articles. However this can be a very time consuming exercise, so it is time for a slightly different approach. As a first test I have created a simple review page on Tripod - Caring For Orchids.

To keep the process simple I am utilizing the CBtopsites Clickbank Mall for the review page. CBtopsites provides all the code required for redirecting to the relevant page, so creation of the Caring For Orchids review on Tripod only took a few minutes.

The next step will be to add Caring For Orchids to a few Social Bookmarking sites to see if it can generate traffic and get ranked in the search engines. I will then search for further free hosting sites that might be suitable for employing this tactic.

Watch out for more posts about this simple experiment over the coming weeks.

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Squidtop Rocks

I have discovered this great site called Squidtop. It is a terrific place for Squidoo fans to create a blog and publicize their lenses. I have created my own called: Lynx on Squidoo. Hope you like it!

Saturday, 5 July 2008

New Squidoo Lens Created July 5th 2008

My latest Squidoo Lens, Seven of the best uses for RSS Feeds has now been published. I hope you will find the information it contains useful.

Friday, 4 July 2008

Squidoo Lens Update July 4th 2008

For anyone who might be interested, I have just refreshed all of my Squidoo Lenses. They can be found at Squidoo Lenses by Lynx92 if you would like to see them.

Some of you will already know that Squidoo is a great place to publish information about your interests and business. Everything is free, which is great, but even better is the fact that Squidoo will share with you the revenue earned from adverts they place on your Lens.

A list of all of my Squidoo Lenses can be found at Martyn's Web Sites Links, together with a number of my other sites.